The Liver is not a detox organ. In Chinese Medicine the Liver is responsible for a healthy regular menstrual cycle in women, due to its role in moving Qi and storing blood.
Did you know your sleep can impact your fertility? When you sleep well (especially relating to the proper times of sleep/your circadian rhythm) your body produces […]
Food. Fluid. Sleep. Stress. Hobbies. Relationship… Be prepared to be questioned about these aspects of your life before any medicine is prescribed. Often medicine is needed, […]
Chinese medicine fertility seminar for couples WANTING A BABY? Register your interest. If Teja and Jacinda were to hold a “Fertility Basics” seminar (approx. 2 hours […]
What we learned at the IVF Australia GP masterclass Many of our acupuncture patients have been asking about our time today at IVF Australia’s clinic in […]
Hi all, we’ll be closed from Friday 23rd December, re-opening on Monday the 9th of January. If you are pregnant and needing assistance towards the end […]