Contact us | Acupuncture | Chinese herbs | Kellyville | Point Specifics

Contact us

Contact us today

You don't need a referral to see us.

Call us now on
8807 2828
to make an appointment.

You will be asked what your main issue is you want treated. This is so we can allow the most time to give you a really thorough treatment if your issue is slightly complex. Please keep in mind that things like "back pain" can mean different things to different people, and some back pain will need a longer consult time than others. Please help us out by explaining to our receptionist what it is exactly you are coming in with. For example back pain for the past 40 years from a severed spine, is very different to back pain from bending-over-funny-yesterday-and-picking-something-up. The more info you can pass on to reception, the easier it is to find a suitable time slot that will allow us to give you the best treatment possible!

Please note: All new patients will be required to pre-pay when booking to secure an appointment.
All appointments must be made by phoning us.
No appointments are made via email.

We're located in a lovely leafy green, quiet cul de sac. Look for our "Point Specifics" clinic signs at our driveway.

All appointments must be made via phone. No appointments are made via email enquiry
If we have not responded to your enquiry within 24 hours we may not have received your email. You could try phoning us instead.
Or leave your best contact number and we'll phone you.

    You can also send us a direct email to:

    You can also check us out on social media

    Tried phoning and couldn't get through? Email not working?
    You can message us directly through Facebook messenger.