Muscles, Aches and Pains

Teja and Jacinda use a combination of acupuncture, cupping, guasha (muscle activation with a specific tool), liniments and heat.
All or some of these therapies may be used, if appropriate to the situation, and are included in your consultation and treatment fee.
You can read more about cupping and guasha here.
Visit our shop page to see our range of muscle oils, liniments, gels, patches and heat packs for sale

Neck and Shoulder Therapacks Heat Pack
The Neck and Shoulder Therapacks Heat Packs are manufactured in Australia.
They contain 100% natural lupin seeds. Lupin seeds do not germinate and do not grow mould when heated (and subsequently get exposed to moisture) like the traditional wheat bags are prone to. This extends the life of the heatpack with no funky smell like you get from wheat. You can microwave or freeze these packs.
These are the only packs we use in our clinic and they’ve lasted us 10 years of constant repetitive use. We sell out of these frequently, and for good reason!
The unique “U” shape enables this pack to sit comfortably on the shoulders, but it’s also a great shape for hip and lower back pain, as well as abdominal pain from period pain, labour pain or indigestion.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are having difficulty paying via paypal, and would like to pay via credit card or bank transfer, please call the clinic on (02) 8807 2828 or email us, we will be more than happy to assist you.