Bee pollen granules | Australian | Pure | Unprocessed | Ethically harvested

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Pure Australian unprocessed bee pollen granules by Eden Health


These pure bee pollen granules are ethically harvested from remote forests in Western Australia. Eden Health has sourced West Australian forests because they have a high density of unique plant species that produce high quality pollens, hundreds of kilometres away from any industry. Bee pollen contains protein, 73 fatty acids, vitamins, lipids, minerals and enzymes and is a great nutritional booster to your smoothie, porridge or sprinkled over your favourite yoghurt or fruit salad.

Made in Australia from 100% wild Australian bees, zero chemicals and not fed any sugar solutions.

We offer free postage for orders over $50 aud. If you are having trouble paying via PayPal please phone un on (02) 8807 2828.

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  • Contains 100% pure, wildcrafted, raw, unprocessed bee pollen from Western Australia
  • 180g sachet with resealable ziplock top.
  • Serving suggestion: 1 dessert spoon (10g) per day

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