Acupuncture | Fully qualified | Experienced | Kellyville | Point Specifics

Appointment types

Appointment types
Subsequent Acupuncture (Standard appointment)
This appointment is for CURRENT patients only.
If you are a new patient please look at the other appointment types below. If you have NOT been in the last 12 months and if your issue is something complex, please scroll down and select “Returning patient appointment” this ensures that we have enough time to go through your current issues and have time for treatment.
If you are unsure, please phone or email and we can help you.

Appointment types
Acupuncture In Pregnancy (NEW PATIENT)
This appointment is for new patients who are currently pregnant and seeking help with any pregnancy related condition such as (but not limited to) hip/pelvic/back pain, nausea/vomiting, breech or posterior turning, labour encouragement etc
Please bring your antenatal card to your appointment

To make your appointment please text the word PREGNANCY APPOINTMENT to 0490 448 716, or phone, and we will get back to you to make your booking.

Appointment types
Acupuncture Musculoskeletal aches/pains (NEW PATIENT)
This appointment is for new patients seeking help with ONE painful condition such as tight shoulders or neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain/sciatica, hip pain/bursitis, elbow pain, knee pain etc. If your issue is multiple and complex please phone or email to discuss which appointment is right for you.

To make your appointment please text the word PAIN APPOINTMENT to 0490 448 716, or phone, and we will get back to you to make your booking.

Appointment types
Initial consult for complex conditions
FOR NEW PATIENTS. Please read the following.
We now see everyone for complex conditions online first. This booking allows us to evaluate your condition prior to seeing you in person. In the past, initial consults were 2+ hours when they were face to face, and often we still didn't get through everything we needed to, as well as try and fit in acupuncture! It was also extremely difficult to find this time in our schedule which meant patients were waiting 4-6 weeks to see us.
Online consults actually allow us to see you faster for acupuncture, all the information is taken and the pre-work is done so we can quickly find a time slot for acupuncture after this.
In this consult a thorough case history is taken and an opportunity to discuss diet and lifestyle changes that you can implement immediately. If acupuncture is appropriate for you, we will discuss and book a follow up treatment at the end of the consult.

Please text the word INITIAL APPOINTMENT to 0490 448 716 , or phone, and we will get back to you to make your booking.

If you have any questions please email

Appointment types
Returning patient
This appointment is if you have seen us before, however have not been in over a year. Especially if you are attending for a new complex condition, please select this appointment so we have enough time to understand your new concerns and have time to treat you.

Appointment types
Subsequent Acupuncture (Long extended appointment)
This appointment is for current/existing patients who require a little more time in their treatments due to the complex nature/multiple body parts being treated. Your practitioner would have advised you to book this appointment specifically.

Appointment types
Subsequent online herbal consult
This appointment is for existing patients needing a follow up consult for correct herbal prescribing. This appointment is an online consult and herbs will be sent to you. (The cost of this appointment is for the consultation only, the cost of the herbs will be billed to you once we know how much to prescribe you).

Acupuncture complex (Initial appointment) in person
Currently not available.
Please email us if you have questions, or alternatively see above for "Initial consult for complex conditions" option